Information on Mango Allergy
Most cases of allergic reactions to mango are usuallytriggered either by touching the skin of a mango or by ingesting unpeeledmango. The most common symptoms include hives over the entire body and theredness of the lips. Other common symptoms of a mango allergy are fever anddifficulty breathing. The good thing is that most people who are allergic tomangoes should not experience any problems if they peel the mangoes before theconsumption. The chemical substance which is responsible for the unpleasantallergic reactions is known by the name of uroshiol. Another contributingfactor is the fact that mangoes come from the same family of plants from whichpoison ivy and poison oak also come from.
Uroshiol Allergies
Uroshiol is a harmful chemical substance which can be found in the sap of mango fruit. It can also be found in several other types of plants such as poison oak and poison ivy because they belong to the same family of plants as mango. Most people are sensitive to uroshiol to a certain degree. Sometimes it is rather difficult to diagnose the allergy properly because the symptoms may not kick in until 24 hours since the first contact with the allergen matter. Some instances of uroshiol allergies may even include oozing pustules on the list of symptoms.
Mango Allergy Symptoms and Prevention
The symptoms of mango allergy may or may not includecontact dermatitis, fatal anaphylactic reactions, hives, difficulty breathing,redness of the skin, fever, itchiness of the skin and a runny nose. Anaphylaxiscan be prevented by administering epinephrine. In order to prevent allergicreactions, one should always peel the mango before the consumption, preferably withrubber gloves on. It is also recommended to avoid touching mango branches andleaves as well.
Mango Allergy Treatment
In most cases of mango allergies, the common symptoms suchas hives and skin redness may be relieved by using antihistamine medicamentssuch as Benadryl. Cortisone cream may also come in very handy as it relievesmost symptoms very efficiently. Allergy testing needs to be done in order todetermine a mango allergy. Desensitization may be required in order to get usedto the actual allergen. Other medications that may be of help in the treatmentof mango allergies include topical steroids, inhaled beta agonists, inhaledcorticosteroids, oral steroids and several types of eye drops. Certain severecases of anaphylactic reactions may require the patient to be hospitalized.
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