Since my menstrual cycle returned after I gave birth to my son, it has consistently lasted 24 days. If you have a short cycle, you're not alone! Short cycles can mean that you feel like you are always menstruating, which is very annoying at best! And the longer your period lasts, the more difficult it can be to believe you'll even have a chance to get pregnant. I mean, who wants to do the deed while they are menstruating? Do short cycles actually mean that your chances of conceiving could be lowered? That depends it can happen, but just as often, the opposite is true. If you are menstruating regularly, but just more often than most women, it also means that ovulation comes around more often! This means that you'll have more opportunity in a year to get pregnant than most women, because you are fertile more frequently.
Short cycle do not have to pose any problem at all, and can actually help you in the pregnancy department. But, if besides a short cycle, you also have an unusually short luteal phase, you could be in trouble. The luteal phase of the cycle is that part that comes after ovulation. If it lasts for less than ten days, it could be too short for any fertilized egg to implant itself into the lining of the uterus before a menstruating will come along and wash the fertilized egg away. This is called a luteal phase defect or LPD. If you have a short cycle, you may want to monitor how many days your ovulation and menstruation are apart.
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