Info about Cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy is medical condition characterized by thedecline of the function of the heart muscle. Doctors use this term to describe myocardialdisease which is very serious and might lead to heart failure.
There are several types of this health problem, such as:dilated, hypertrophic and restrictive cardiomyopathies, depending on the causeof the condition. Dilated cardiomyopathy is well known among medicalprofessional as congestive cardiomyopathy. The heart muscle is very weak andcan’t provide enough oxygenated blood for all parts of the body. Because ofthe weakness, the heart becomes enlarged (dilated), and that’s what gave thename for this condition. Patients suffering from this cardiomyopathy may sufferfrom arrhythmia. Abnormal heart rhythms are mainly provoked by the changes inthe structure of the heart and regulation of electric signals that goes throughthe heart. Therefore, these patients may experience decreased heartbeat orbradycardia, but also some increased heartbeat, known as tachycardia.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is caused by thickening of theheart wall. This abnormal thickening of the muscles usually leads to obstructedblood flow going out from the heart, so doctors refer to this condition as hypertrophicobstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM).
Another type of cardiomyopathy is quite rare and it iscalled restrictive cardiomyopathy. In this condition, heart muscles areextremely rigid and the heart can’t relax or fill as it should do. As theresult, there is no efficient pumping of the blood.
Cardiomyopathy can become serious medical condition if thereis no improvement of the heart muscle function. In that case, there is the riskof heart enlargement and also from the formation of blood clots. Blood clots maydecrease blood flow to some parts of the body or lead to embolism.
How to Manage Cardiomyopathy
Patients suffering from cardiomyopathy are usually prescribedwith some medications. No matter how useful drugs are, all doctors agree thatthey can’t reverse damage that happened to the heart. For that reason, patientsshould use these medications long-term in order to function more or lessnormal.
Prescribed medications are able to provide betterfunctioning of the heart to some extent, but they can’t heal the heart. After sometime on the drugs the heart may become very weak, and cardiologists usuallyrecommend heart transplant in these cases.
Another efficient measure for the management of cardiomyopathymay be proper nutrition. Dieting can help people suffering from many diseases,including heart problems, such as heart failure or cardiomyopathy. This type oftreatment doesn’t have any adverse effects and can be used with medicationsprescribed by your doctors.
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