Children and Leg Pain
Many causes to leg pain exist, and none less when concerning the pain in children. This pain can stem from bone, muscle, blood vessel,nerve, joint or tendon injury. Ignoring any sort of pain in the leg is notrecomended as some of the symptoms are shared with more dangerous disorders,but keep in mind that leg pain can sometimes be caused by harmless actions suchas not changing position for longer periods of time. More potent pain involvesother, more complex causes.
Causes and Treatment
A frequent instigator of leg pain is fracturing or injuringthe leg as a consequence of falling or some form of external trauma appliedto the child's leg. Its symptoms usually involve pain and subsequent numbess,tingling and swelling. Sciatica is often a cause of leg pain. Intense pain can be caused by a herniateddisc. This ailment, sometimes called a ruptured disc or slipped disc, involvesthe movement or damage of the disk placed in the middle of two vertrebrae. Thepain caused due to sciatica or herniated disc is observed on only one of thelegs. Both herniated disks and schiatica occur in a single leg at a time. Ifthe pain reaches both the foot and the leg, Achilles tendon rupture is a possibility,occurring in the case of the fibrous cord that connects the heel to the calfmuscles rupturing as a consequence of some trauma or injury. A sensation ofburning, as well as uncommon walking patterns and excessive sweatingcan all be a product of peripheral neuropathy, a ailment caused byinflammation injury of the leg nerves. Children are also subject to leg cramps,a painful product of dehydration or electrolyite imbalance, as well as excessive sporting.
A less common but present condition is juvenile rheumatoidarthritis. While arhtritis is more commonly found in the elderly population, juvenilerheumatoid arthritis is the childrenequivalent, and it can give rise to joint inflammation, swelling and pain.
Muscle strain or pull, a deficiency of vitamines, sprainedligaments and a wide variety of other processes can lead to pain in the legs ofchildren, leading to diagnosis from a medical profesional beign the recomendedimmediate action in the case of any symptoms flaring up even upon use of homemedication. Surgery can alleviate most conditions of leg pain, but physicaltherapy can also be sufficient to stop the pain. Exercising regularly andtaking care of dieting habits is recommended for children for leg pain and crampprevention.
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