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The following text will focus onthe condition associated with fibula bone and this condition is called lateralmalleolus. The problem we are talking about is basically a fracture of thelower extremity of this bone. This bone, found in the lower leg area, is shapedas pyramid and it is flat all around. The problem we are focusing on can becalled external malleolus and distal malleolus. The area in which this bone islocated is very prone to fracture and we will see how this area works and whatinjuries of this ankle area can occur

Structure of the LateralMalleolus

The surface of the medial islocated in the front area of a surface, triangular and smooth, and it is convex fromtop to down. The talus' lateral side is articulated with the surface mentioned,under and above which is located a posterior talofibula ligament. This surfaceis subcutaneous and convex-shaped and goes along with the triangular surface ofthe body's lateral side. The anterior border is attached to the anteriortalofibula ligament. Also, there are passages on the broad and thick anteriorborder for the tendons. Round region represents a summit and it is connected toa calcaneofibular ligament, which is a very important ligament. Whenever thereis a fraction in this area, this ligament will be associated with it.


Lateral malleolus is a usually connected with a fracture of the ankle. Theankle joint may become destabilized due to the fibula fracture caused by thechipping of this bone. X-ray is a test that will detect such fracture. Supportboot is the first type of treatment and this will help the fracture heal bykeeping it in place. Also, the use of wheelchair and crutches is recommended,since it will reduce the pressure applied on the joint. X-ray tests will bedone during the treatment to see if it is healing or not. If it is working, thepain will begin to decline and this usually occurs during the sixth week of thetreatment. Some fracture fragments may become misaligned and so x-rays must betaken to detect if this has occurred. The swelling and the pain caused by thiscondition are very persistent and sometimes a surgery may be required. If thishappens, there may be need for lateral malleolus's malposition with shorteningor tilting. Since the restraint of the foot is not present, the treatmentrequires the surgery, since the weight of the body cannot be sustained by theankle. Oblique fractures will require reduction and this procedure involves theuse of screws, which are fixed in the joint. The bone we are talking about issusceptible to the damage, especially when we walk, wear improper shoes or run.The ankle can be affected by the sprains and fractures, and this may damage thelateral malleolus. Wear protective gear while playing sports in order to avoidthis.

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