Nail fungus represents parasites that might inhabit our finger area below the nail. Many people are not even aware that they have these parasites but they inhabit him or her nevertheless. Quite easy to move and transfer to other fingers, our other arm or leg they are hard to fight against and stop since when hidden behind a nail they are completely protected and free to grow and develop.
One can get nail fungi quite easily, by sharing a nail clipper or some other item for nail care with a person who has these parasites or by living in a humid space while often walking bare footed. These fungi mostly live in our bathrooms since they present ideal conditions for their breeding. People who hurt their nails or fingers in any way are in more danger of getting infected with these organisms.
Causes and possible reasons
As mentioned above, low immunity opens the door to these pestering organisms. One should clip his or her nails carefully not to create wounds or cracks since these create a possibility for a small infection good enough for the nail fungi to choose this place as their breeding grounds. It goes without saying that nail biting only makes things worse and increases the risk ofinfection.
Working surroundings also play an important role. If you work in a damp or moist place, make sure you wear something on your feet since walking barefooted in such places can present an excellent opportunity for these organisms to inhibit your nails. These fungi live around swimming pools, locker rooms and such surroundings so pay extra attention while there.
Sometimes, nail polish may be of bad quality and damage your nails; make sure you change the polish and take care of them in such cases.
Manifestations and symptoms
Namely, once inhibited by these fungi, your nails may smell, their quality decreases significantly making them more fragile, doing things which involve using your fingers may be very painful and causing discomfort. Also your toenails may hurt while wearing shoes. Discoloration is often a very clear symptom.
Prevention and possible remedies
Proper self-hygiene is the best prevention. Keep your hands and your feet dry and clean at all times possible. Along with that, make sure you wear proper shoes which fit you right. Additionally change socks regularly and keep them clean as well as your other footwear. Make sure your footwear is made of non-synthetic materials and that they provide enough ventilation to prevent feet from sweating.
Finally, if the infection is persistent, the best thing is to seek professional help rather than trying to solve the problem yourself since in most cases it only makes things worse. Rather let your doctor prescribe you an adequate therapy and be sure that the results will be more than positive.
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