Nail fungusand ways to treat it
Nail fungus is the main cause of the nail fungalinfection, the condition that may affect nails, either on one or more fingersor toes. A few causes may provoke it, including yeasts and molds, but the factis that fungi from the group called Dermatophytes are the most frequent cause. Atiny little cut on the skin and continuous exposure to warmth and moisture areenough for a person to become infected with this fungus, and for this fungus tobegin to grow and spread, because these conditions are perfect for it. Sometimesthis infection may take years after the exposure to the fungus to develop. It isa fact that this type of an infection is a bit more typical of older adultsthan of children, firstly because they are more exposed to fungi, and secondlybecause their nails tend to grow more slowly with age, and they tend to thicken.According to the records, men are more susceptible to nail fungal infectionthan women, as well as those who perspire heavily, who have some skinconditions or skin or nail injury, who work in a humid environment, and who liketo walk barefoot in public places, particularly swimming pools and gyms.
This condition can be treated, though it can be verydifficult sometimes, particularly because this kind of infection tends to recur.Anyway, most commonly, the doctors prescribe oral antifungal medications, buttopical antifungal medications may also be suggested. Severe cases may evenrequire surgery with the purpose of the nail removal. There are also some homeremedies that people turn to in order to speed up the process of healing, andfor example, soaking the feet in a mixture of vinegar and water may help a lot.
Symptoms ofnail fungus
When it comes to nail fungal infections, it is highlyrecommended to visit the doctor even when the first symptom is noticed, becausethis is not a condition that can go away or heal on its own. Also, it has the tendencyto worsen, which is a reason more for a timely reaction. The first symptom isusually just a tiny spot under the tip of the nail, and it can be yellow orwhite. Other signs that may indicate this infection include nails that arebecoming thickened, brittle, or of distorted shape. They may also begin to loseshine and turn dark in color, or they may even start to separate from the nailbed. If the pain is felt, or an unpleasant odor, it is already a serious sign.
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