Information on Iodine Supplements
Iodine supplements are very important for the maintenance ofhealthy metabolism in the human body. Iodine is also an integral part of growthand development as it is contained in the thyroid hormones known astriiodothyronine and thyroxine. It is of utmost importance for the formationand development of the nervous system, tissues and bones in the human body.
Sources and Uses of Iodine Supplements
Iodine is the best natural remedy for those who suffer fromhypothyroidism. It is a specific medical condition characterized by deficiencyof the thyroxine hormone. Natural sources of iodine are fresh fish, eggs, fishoil, sea foods, cod, sea kelp supplements, malt bread, sea weeds and condensedmilk. Selenium is also good for the prevention of iodine deficiency.
Iodine canalso be consumed in the form of numerous different types of supplements. Iodinesupplements are a must for all those who suffer from the medical conditionreferred to as hypothyroidism because iodine is very efficient in stimulatingan under active thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency can sometimes lead to a slowermetabolism and a weakened immune system.
When the metabolic activity getsreduced, the person starts gaining weight. That is why different types ofiodine supplements can be of great help in losing excess weight. Thyroid glandstimulates the growth of hair follicles and that is why iodine supplements canbe of great help when it comes to the prevention of hair loss. Iodinesupplements can also be very beneficial in preventing numerous different typesof diseases such as goiter, lymphedema, thyrotoxicosis and Graves’ disease.
There are two different kinds of iodine supplements and those are iodine andiodides. Iodine compounds provide the female patients with correct levels ofestrogen hormones while iodides affect the way the thyroid gland functions.
Thecommon iodine supplements used for the treatment of hypothyroidism includetransformative nano-colloidal detoxified iodine, nascent iodine, potassiumiodine, and Lugol’s solution. The nano-colloidal type is efficient in enhancingthe functioning of the immune system, enhancing the integrity of the DNA,boosting the overall quality of cardiovascular health and maintaining a properendocrine and metabolic balance.
Nascent iodine is actually anelectromagnetically charged form of iodine. Potassium iodine comes in veryhandy when it comes to the prevention of thyroid cancer. Lugol’ solution increases the secretions ofthe respiratory tract, inhibits the excessive secretion of thyroxine and stallsall unwanted hormonal secretions in the human body.
Iodine supplements maytrigger certain side effects such as kidney disorders, elevated thyroidstimulating hormone levels, respiratory ailments, thyroid gland hyperplasia,burning mouth and throat, irregular heart rhythm, increased salivation andsoreness of gums.
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