What is Intermittent ExplosiveDisorder?
We all cope with problems and troublesome situations differently. Some of us are capable of dealing with problems in a peaceful and relaxed way, knowing how not to let these situations take the best of us. However, there are people who, even though they are completely normal and friendly most of the time, when provoked by many different factors react violently through outbursts of anger and destructive behavior. There is a high likelihood that these people suffer from a problem called intermittent explosive disorder. Namely, they would never do the things they do when they are negatively stimulated, nor would they think they are capable of breaking things, throwing things around, acting wildly and even hurting someone. Yet, there are certain signs which can help us determine whether a person is suffering from this condition or not. The symptoms of intermittent explosive disorder or, short, IED are listed below.
Causes and Manifestations of IED
With most psychological and mental disorders, the beginning of the problem is rooted deeply into a sufferer's childhood. There are cases where this is true for IED as well. However, not all children succumbed to the aggressive behavior of their parents. On the contrary, there are mild and self-controlled people who come from families whose members were fighting all the time. Exceptions are always possible and present. Nevertheless, family can be a strong reason for developing IED later in life.
Genetics can be of the essence, too. Namely, if you have the “wild” gene installed in your organism, you will be the ticking bomb waiting to explode both on those who deserve it and on those who do not. Having an aggressive family can therefore be a sign that you might have IED yourself.
Of course, being exposed to violence, having certain inferiority complexes, peer pressure and many other things can also be the potential causes of this disorder.
As for the symptoms, there are people with IED who, when provoked or challenged go to the very extent of hearing voices telling them to fight back and react violently. This force within you can be a very good sign of something going wrong.
All people should be allowed to make a choice regarding their reactions in intimidating situations. However, those with IED cannot do anything else but fight and go wild, affected by the overwhelming feeling which they cannot possibly suppress. Moreover, these sudden episodes of boiling anger, taking place out of nowhere are a clear sign of this disorder.
Once you turn into an angry monster, people around you, especially those you direct your rage at, are bound to get scared. If you do not notice that, there is a high likelihood you suffer from IED. Also, once you cool down, you are suppose to feel remorse for what you have done since this is an important indicator.
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