Temporary hearing loss is a medical condition which can be triggered by numerous different types of causes but the most common ones include ear infections, exposure to loud sounds and earwax accumulation. Hearing is perhaps the most important sense a human being can have. It allows for communication with other people, listening to music and numerous other important social activities. Hearing loss is a loss of the auditory ability caused by numerous different types of factors and causes. Hearing loss may be permanent or temporary. Temporary hearing loss can be reversed by utilizing several different types of treatment methods.
Causes of Temporary Hearing Loss
A temporary loss of hearing ability can be triggered by various factors. If the middle ear gets infected it can cause a temporary hearing loss. An eardrum may be ruptured or torn which results in its perforation. This occurrence may sometimes be accompanied by drainage out of the ear, and also painful sensations. This condition is medically referred to as otitis media. Temporary hearing loss may also be triggered by blockage which occurs due to the accumulation of earwax. One of the most common causes of temporary hearing loss is exposure to loud sounds. The sensitive structures located inside the inner ear get damaged by the noise so hearing loss occurs. This medical condition is also usually accompanied by ringing in the ears, which is medically referred to as tinnitus. One needs to stop the exposure as soon as possible, otherwise the hearing loss may become permanent. Various different types of factors such as tumors, skull injuries, drugs, medicaments and infections may also damage the aforementioned sensory structures of the inner ear, which leads to the onset of temporary hearing loss as well. Otoxic medicaments such as Aspirin and ibuprofen may also be associated with temporary hearing loss in some cases. Certain kinds of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, polyarteritus nodosa and erythematosus may also be held responsible for temporary hearing loss.
Treatment and Prevention
Exposure to loud noises needs to be avoided as much as possible in order to avoid the occurrence of temporary hearing loss. Loud environments require auditory protective devices at all times. Accumulated earwax can be removed by the doctor. Proper hygiene of the ears is mandatory in the prevention of temporary hearing loss. Some injuries may require a surgical intervention. Autoimmune disorders can be treated with corticosteroid medications, while infections require antibiotics.
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