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A Terrifying Sleeping Habit

Night terrors are known to be one ofthe worst sleep disorders which may trouble your toddler. These arequite different from nightmares and parents should notice thedifference by tracking down certain symptoms. Thereby, night terrorsinvolve screaming, crying and aggressive movement while remainingasleep during the process. Also, a toddler suffering from thiscondition would never remember his or her dream, while, if he or she wassuffering from a nightmare reminiscence would be possible. Also,these usually strike while a child is sleeping and do not cause himor her to wake up, even though it might seem like they did. This isdue to the fact that night terrors strike during the light REMperiod, where the toddler is still sound asleep.

This fit is known to last up to half anhour, even though it may cross this time boundary as well. Parentsneed to be extremely careful once their child starts experiencingnight terrors. They need to bear in mind that the child is not awareof reality and that, therefore, everything may be expected from himor her, in terms of physical reactions regarding movements,aggressiveness vocal expressions etc. Children, while under the spellof the night terror, should not be forced to awake since this processmay aggravate them further on. Rather, parents are advised to staybeside them during the process and ensure that nothing dangeroushappens. Upon waking up, the child is bound to have no memories ofthe night terror whatsoever.

Reasons Behind Night Terrors inToddlers

In most cases, the night terrors are causedby disrupted sleeping patterns of the toddler. Thus, once your childstarts experiencing these sleeping mishaps, make sure you change hisor her sleeping schedules, making them start earlier and provide moresleep to the troubled child. This might result in night terrorcessation. Alternatively, if this phenomenon appears to bereoccurring, try to keep track with its frequency and repetition. Ifyou happen to notice a pattern of sorts, try waking up your childbefore the night terrors commence.

Quite often, this condition is causedby a full bladder. Therefore, once your toddler starts experiencingthe night terrors, teach him or her to go to the restroom once theadequate occasion arrives. If your child is already capable ofcontrolling bladder on his or her own, lead him or her to therestroom once these sleeping problems occur.

If all the methods mentioned here seemto fail or cause insufficient results, seek medical assistance. Thedoctor may prescribe your child some medications which will providehim or her better sleep, or give you some efficient pieces of adviceregarding removing night terrors from your beloved child's life.

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