When one of various types of bacteria which normally live in the vagina in the women start to overgrow due to certain factors, bacterial vaginosis occurs causing inflammation of the vagina.
Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis
The women who develop bacterial vaginosis usually experience foul-smelling vaginal discharge which is grayish white in color. Painful sexual intercourse, vaginal itching and irritation are also among the symptoms of the bacterial vaginosis. Furthermore, the women infected by bacterial vaginosis may experience light vaginal bleeding as well as a burning sensation during urination. However, sometimes bacterial vaginosis is asymptomatic and some women infected by it may not have any of the above mentioned warning sign.
Most common causes of bacterial intercourse
Bacterial vaginosis usually spreads through a sexual intercourse but the women who are sexually inactive may also develop it as well. Bacterial vaginosis develops out of the disturbed balance of microorganisms in the vagina is disturbed and when the bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria due to certain factors. This disorder mainly occurs during the reproductive years in the women but it can also affect any female. It is estimated that even 7 out of 10 women in their reproductive age develop this condition which has quite unpleasant and embarrassing symptoms. The younger women may also contract bacterial vaginosis due to improper personal hygiene.
Treatment for bacterial vaginosis
Many women are embarrassed to go and visit a doctor due to the unpleasant symptoms and therefore just ignore the problem which gradually becomes worse and eventually induces some more serious complication. Because of this, it should be treated.
The doctors usually prescribe the medicine metronidazole which can be taken either orally as a pill or topically as a gel into the vagina. Furthermore, tinidazole is an orally taken drug for bacterial vaginosis while clindamycin is a cream which should be inserted into the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis can be successfully treated but the symptoms of this condition tend to recur after three to six months in many cases. The experts are researching the treatment methods for the recurrent bacterial vaginosis but, unfortunately, there is no one which is effective. Therefore, the doctors usually recommend the prolonged use of metronidazole therapy.
However, every woman with this condition should consume yogurt and certain other foods that are high in lactobacilli bacteria in order to elevate the level of the good bacteria in the vagina and thus make the balance between the bad and good bacteria.
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