The Covert Health Problem
Herpes is one of very common diseasesaffecting many people, especially those who indulge into sexual intercourse with different partners often. However, many people whohave genital or oral herpes are not even aware of this fact because,in many cases, herpes displays no symptoms at all. Rather, peoplewith these types of herpes continue infecting other people withouteven noticing it. Also, there are many occasion where the symptoms ofgenital herpes are as mild as a rash, being often misinterpreted forsomething less dangerous. Redness, swelling, itching, burning andblisters, even though looking and feeling like a mosquito bite, maybe clear signs of genital herpes.
Women are more affected than men, whenit comes to this illness and astounding 80% of cases are not evenaware of their illness, let alone diagnosed with genital herpes.
Facts about Genital Herpes
Many social and medical studies haveshown that a majority of teenage girls, being sexually active, knownothing about sexually transmitted diseases until they have alreadyended up with one. Most people know about AIDS, and this is usuallywhere the list ends. There were also studies which have shown that98% of participants in the test have shown the presence of the herpesvirus in their saliva. Most of the participants, however, showed nosymptoms nor were they actively affected by herpes.
Moreover, in 98% of cases, herpes istransferred over the skin, through shedding. Once the virus istransferred, it takes about 5 days before any of the symptoms mayappear. Therefore, people may have herpes, looking as if they do not,transferring it all around through their skin, saliva, sexualintercourse etc.
Signs of Genital Herpes
Having mentioned all of the previousfacts, we can only be sure of one's state, regarding genital herpes,after we have looked into the results of their blood samples and swabresults, as well as PCR tests. Blood tests are the most accuratesince PCR samples may be delivered late, showing negative resultswhen there is herpes present nevertheless.
Oral herpes or cold sores are alsocommon signs of genital herpes as well. Therefore, take this as awarning sign when it comes to your current or future partner.
Finally, using a condom and other meansof protected sex is the best way of isolating yourself, when it comesto genital herpes. Prevention is the best cure, so be careful andmake sure you are protected.
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