Who needs high potassium diet and when?
Potassium is one of the minerals that are of vital importancefor our health, and along with sodium and calcium, it is essential for normal functioningof the heart (for regular heartbeat and blood pressure), as well as for normalfunctioning of the brain, nervous system, skeletal muscles and the kidneys. Thisis why potassium insufficiency usually results in a number of serious healthyissues. Having in mind the fact that many foods (of both animal and plantorigin) contain this mineral, and that it can be taken through the supplementsas well, people should make sure that the levels of this mineral are not disturbed.
Hyperkalemia is another term for potassium deficiency, or acondition characterized by low levels of potassium. This problem usually affectsthe functioning of the heart in a negative way, as well as functioning of manyother organs and systems. The main symptoms that might point out to thisproblem are low blood pressure, nausea, weakness, fatigue, and muscle ache, andsome of the most common culprits for the occurrence of this problem include injuries,diseases, and the use of certain medications (steroids and diuretics, in thefirst place). It is also important to know that people who sweat heavily(either due to excessive exercising or due to some other reason) need potassiummuch more than other people, because it is lost through sweating.
High potassium diet facts
Since blood test is all that needs to be done in order to detect this condition, peoplewith potassium deficiency are usually suggested to change their diet andinclude foods that are rich in potassium. Also, it is important that they makesure that the intake of food high in sodium is limited or eliminated, since thebenefits of high potassium diet will be nullified otherwise. Besides foods richin sodium, foods that function as diuretics should be excluded from the diet fora while as well, since they lead to flushing the necessary mineral out of thebody.
As for the foods that are rich in this mineral, among the fruitsthat should be consumed are avocado, apricots, banana, kiwi, pears,peaches, prunes, and oranges, while some vegetables rich in potassium arepotato, spinach, tomato, broccoli, carrots, eggplant, onions and green peas. Besidesfruits and vegetables, milk, yogurt, and wheat germ should also be added to thediet.
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