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Condition called herpetic whitlow will be the issue about whichwe will discuss today. This condition develops very painful lesions onthe finger area and it is a viral infection basically. Herpes simplex virus isthe cause of this viral infection and it is responsible for the lesionsmentioned before. Terminal phalanges is the most common type of lesion occurring.Even the toe area can be affected by the problem in question, but this happens veryrarely. In approximately 60% of all cases of herpetic whitlow, the cause of theproblem is herpes simplex type 1, while type 2 is responsible for the other 40%. We will see what causes this condition, which symptoms it develops, and how this condition, which can affects children as well, can be cured.


Both types of herpes simplex virus can create the herpetic whitlow. Mouthherpes is the problem that causes similar symptoms as those seen amongchildren who are suffering from herpetic whitlow. Putting fingers and suckingthe thumb is the most common way for children to contract this virus. The viruscan find its way to the system through any skin breaks or cuts, which is calledauto inoculation. This is a danger for most health workers such as dentists, since they have a lot of contact with this virus. People suffering from genitalherpes can transfer the virus to other people, who can develop herpetic whitloweventually.


There are some symptoms that are present due to the herpetic whitlow and wewill see which. The time needed for them to be exposed is between 2 and 20 daysand some of the most common symptoms are pain and burning sensation in thefinger. The finger will then become inflamed, tender and red, and this usuallyhappens after 10 to 20 days. Next is the formation of blisters in the clustersand red base. They commonly stay for 2 weeks, after which they are gone withoutany treatment. Swollen lymph nodes under the arm and fever can alsooccur. Know that lesions will inflict a serious pain. The virus will remaininactive once the symptoms are eliminated, and although the problem mayreappear, this happens very rarely.


The healing process can be shortened if treatment is conducted. For theprevention of the virus spreading and the relief from the symptoms, theantiviral medications and painkillers are given. The pain can be reduced withthe use of cold compress. There are some complications that are possible, mostly associated with immune-compromisedpeople who are having problems like HIV/AIDS, and one of them ispneumonia. There are ways of eliminating the problem of spreading and passing it on toothers or yourself. The first thing is to avoid a direct contact withcontagious people and never use the same items. Also, wearing a bandage willprevent scratching the lesions. Gloves are a good idea for the health workers.

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