Heart Diagram
In order to explain how the heart parts function, we will see what a detailed heart diagram is. The lungs are used for sending the blood to the whole body, while heart gets blood, which is deoxygenated. Once the heart receives this blood, it sends it to the lungs where it will oxygenate again. The heart is surely the most important part of the human body. It has diverse number of functions and one of them is pumping of the blood and sending it to the body parts. We all know how important the heart is, but most of us do not know in which way it works and what it consists of. You can learn about this from the detailed heart diagram that you will have to visualize in this situation.
Heart Functions and Parts
Heart is approximately the size of a fist and it looks like an upside down turned pear. Middle of the chest is where it is located and it has pericardium, which is a double membrane. This membrane is connected with the spinal cord, diaphragm and so on by the ligaments. Pumping of the blood is done when the heart beats, which is something the heart does 72 times in one minute. Ventricles and atria are chambers of the heart and the heart has four of them. There are left and right atria and ventricle. Upper two chambers are ventricles and lower two are atria. Septum is what separates these chambers, and it is actually a muscle. King of heart chambers is the name used for the larges chamber, which is the left ventricle. The heart has valves, more precisely there are four valves and they are very important since they regulate the blood flow through the heart. These valves are responsible for the prevention of blood flowing back and the release of the blood flow. The aortic valve separates the aorta and left ventricle, while the pulmonary separates the left pulmonary artery and the right ventricle.
Next parts of the heart are the blood vessels, which come as veins and arteries. They are a bit different, since, the veins return deoxygenated blood to the heart, and the arteries spread the oxygenated blood. Also, pumping of the blood is something the veins cannot do, while arteries can. The deoxygenated blood is via veins sent to the right atrium and then to the right ventricle. Then the blood is sent to the left pulmonary artery by the pulmonary valve, which is when the blood reaches lungs where it is purified. The left atrium is where the oxygenated blood goes and then it travels to the left ventricle. Then the blood goes to the aorta and to the rest of the body. In the detailed heart diagram, the oxygenated blood is colored with red color, while deoxygenated is marked with blue color. We hope to have brought this amazing system a bit closer to you.
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