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Children and Hearing

Many children are born with hearingproblems due to many possible reasons. Some of the most common causesof these problems are premature birth, increased bilirubin levels,genetics, ear infections, exposure to loud noises and many otherproblems. This is why these hearing difficulties need to be noticedas early as possible. Successful treatment may depend on a timelydiagnosis of the problem. Luckily, there are many different hearingtests developed for children from newborns to toddlers and olderchildren, capable of showing any hearing problems the child mighthave.

Possible Hearing Problems in Toddlers

A toddler may not speak, or can producesounds which do not indicate the development of speech at all.Moreover, the child may not show signs of sound reception and may notreact to you calling his/her name or asking questions. All these canbe initial signs of hearing loss in your toddler.

There are many different tests whichwere developed for the purpose of child testing for hearing problems.These are the behavioral test, visual reinforcement audiometry,conditioned play audiometry, pure tone audiometry, typanometry andauditory brainstem response test.

The first test involves the reactionsa child makes to specific types of sounds played in the testing room.The child is expected to react by changing the focus of his/her view,turning his/her head etc. On the other hand, conditioned playaudiometry involves playing a game which required doing some actionas soon as a child hears a certain sound. However, due to advancedinstructions, this can only be performed with children older than 2years of age.

Other tests performed usually requirethe child to wear earphones, being exposed to specific sounds. Theirbrain activity may be monitored, as well as many other things such asthe response of their nerves. All these tests are monitored bytrained professionals which know how to interpret every sign a childmay show.

Sometimes children who have no hearingimpairment may fail these tests due to the fact that their ear canalsare clogged or they are suffering from an infection. This, of course,does not mean that they are deaf. On the contrary, this indicatedthat they will need to repeat the test after treating the cause oftheir hearing problem. Also, crying during the test or any lack ofcooperation from the child may lead to failed results as well.

There are many of these tests availableonline. Thus, as soon as you start thinking your child has hearingissues, you can test him/her before seeking professional help.However, when you notice the symptoms, it is best to seek medicalassistance since the doctor will examine your child thoroughly beforemoving on to the hearing tests.

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