Bananas are made of different kinds of sugar and fiber and are one of the best sources of energy coming from fruits, with immediate and prolonged qualities.
Bananas are yellow fruits containing tryptophan, which converts to serotonin after ingestion and as such greatly improves one’s mood. A relatively high content of iron in bananas greatly helps the body with its hemoglobin functions. The aforementioned fiber content is very beneficial towards normalizing bowel functions and it covers up for the loss of important electrolytes which occurs when one suffers from diarrhea.
Pectin in bananas also helps in normalizing movement through the digestive tract.
Continuous consumption of bananas on a daily basis greatly reduces risks of age-related macular degeneration development which is one of the primary causes of vision loss in older adults.
Bananas are very rich in certain compounds which nourish the friendly probiotic bacteria in the colon. These produce enzymes which act beneficially in the digestive tract and also serve as protection from infections caused by other, unhealthy kinds of bacteria.
By increasing the probiotics’ functionality and number, the calcium absorbing capability are increased as well. This is emphasized even more when consuming green bananas because of their indigestible short chain fatty acids which provide the nutritional benefits to the mucosa cells of the stomach. Calcium gets absorbed more efficiently through these cells.
Daily consumption of fruits, and especially bananas, has proved to be very protective to kidney health and the risk of developing kidney cancer can be reduced by up to 40 percent. This is because bananas have a very high antioxidant phenolic compound content which has proved necessary in the elimination of potential carcinogens.
The high level of potassium and the low level of sodium in bananas has proved to be a perfect ratio for high blood pressure prevention. Banana industries worldwide proudly announce public claims of blood pressure and stroke risk reduction caused by the consumption of bananas. Because of their natural antacid effect, bananas provide a soothing effect for heartburn relief as well.
Morning sickness can be avoided by snacking on bananas between meals because they keep the levels of sugar in blood high. Quitting smoking is also easier with bananas because of substances that help the body recover from the nicotine withdrawal properly.
Besides all of the above, bananas also help reducing acidity and irritation, stimulate the production of thicker mucus on the internal stomach and inhibit and eliminate bacterias in the stomach that cause ulcers.
The high level of B vitamins in bananas improves various nerve functions too. Rubbing the inside of the banana peel on the skin greatly reduces the itching and swelling of mosquito bites. Bananas normalize the heartbeat and regulate the water balance inside the body and rebalance the depleted levels of potassium in a healthy way, making drugs for such purposes unnecessary.
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