More Valuable than Money?
Most times we start thinking about gold we immediately start speculating its worth, in terms of money, our materialistic preoccupation. However, there is more to this precious metal than our cultures have emphasized. In fact, in ancient times, Asian civilizations have used massages with gold for rejuvenation and skin care. Therefore, the potential was noticed. Unfortunately, later it was lost and forgotten, due to our gold rushes and other fanatical harvesting of this metal for wrong purposes. Luckily, nowadays, more and more cosmetic products continue to recognize the true potential of this metal and put it to good use, making gold one of the basic ingredients for slowing down the aging processes of our skin and the rest of our organism. More and more positive things are discovered about gold as we continue to use it creatively, for the purpose of our health.
Aesthetic Benefits of Gold
Gold is known to be capable of slowing down our collagen depletion, while, at the same time stopping the breakdown of elastin in our organism. This makes our skin younger looking and tight, reversing our aging process visibly, and slowing it down in the future. This affects our face and our neck greatly and, thereby, has an incredibly prominent effect on our physical appearance. Furthermore, gold stimulates cell growth and regeneration in our skin, thus, again, keeping it tight and young looking for longer periods of time. A type of gold mostly used in cosmetics is the 24k one, claimed to be the very best for these, anti-aging purposes.
As we seek traces of gold usage in history, we can also remind ourselves, that Cleopatra, the mythical beautiful queen of ancient Egypt, used to have facial treatments with precious metals like gold and platinum daily. Her beauty is still mentioned today, and, perhaps, gold was the main culprit behind it, making it possible for you to have a stunningly beautiful facial skin as well, by giving it a chance.
Moreover, many people claim that gold is one of the best antioxidants in the world, giving an additional factor to its potential. What we scientifically know is that gold increases our blood circulation. Additionally, it makes it possible for oxygen to reach our skin from the outside, increasing cellular functions, providing us with more energy and restoring our skin's youth. Of course, there might be more benefits to this, truly precious, metal for you to discover once you let it do wonders to your skin.
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