Glossitis and some facts
Even though it might sound complicated, the fact is thatglossitis is another term for the inflammation of the tongue, which is followedby changes in its color. Even though it is not too serious, this condition israther painful because the tongue is sore and red, which causes additionaldifficulties when trying to chew food, swallowing and even when talking. The numberof possible culprits of this condition is not small and insignificant at all andthe treatment might depend on it, which is why it is important to diagnose theright one. The causes range from various mental and physical conditions (depression,anxiety, changes in the hormonal levels, leukemia, and tongue cancer) all theway to medications, particularly those that are used in order to keep thediabetes and high blood pressure under control and diuretics. Besides theseproblems, various allergies, infections, diet and foods, lifestyle habits orchanges of them, as well as environmental factors might also provoke thisproblem of the tongue.
Several types that have been identified are benign migratoryglossitis, hunter’s glossitis, median rhomboid glossitis, idiopathic glossitisand herpetic geometric glossitis. All of them have different characteristics,and the doctor is the one who will detect the most accurately which type is inquestion. The symptoms are usually enough for this to be done, although thereare cases in which some additional tests need to be performed.
Prevention and treatment
Since the main problem is the inflammation of the tongue, itis important to reduce that inflammation in order to reduce the pain anddiscomfort as well. To achieve this, it is important first to avoid theirritants, particularly alcohol, cigarettes and spices, but besides this, it isimportant as well to make sure whether some type of allergy is or is not the causeof glossitis, because in such cases, antihistamines are very helpful andeffective. If the condition is caused by some bacterial infection, thenantibiotics will have to be used, but whichever the cause, it is important tomaintain the hygiene of the mouth regularly and to have healthy eating habits (regularmeals which include all the necessary nutrients for healthy functioning of thebody).
The condition calls for medical attention when the personnotices that the airways are blocked, when the problems are present even aftera week, if problems with swallowing,chewing, talking and similar activities are persistent.
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