Information on Glossitis
There are numerous different factors and causes which can beassociated with the medical condition known as glossitis. Glossitis is amedical condition which usually can be characterized by rather unusual swellingand redness of the tongue. The tongue also turns smooth and one cannot feel itsroughness at all. It is also common to experience difficulties while speakingor eating and most cases have included certain tissue like substances in thepatient’s mouth.
Causes of Glossitis
Glossitis is a medical condition which can be characterizedas a tongue infection. It can be triggered by numerous different causes andfactors. Consumption of hot food, consumption of tobacco products, vitamindeficiencies, viral infections, mineral deficiencies, bacterial infections, andcertain types of medications are only a few of the most common possible causesof the medical condition known as glossitis. When this condition occurs, thetongue loses its papillae which are normally located on the upper side.
Thetongue becomes a red smooth surface. Persons who are allergic to certain typesof substances which can be found in mouth fresheners and toothpaste are muchmore susceptible to glossitis than the others.
Those who suffer from irondeficiency, vitamin B deficiency, apththous ulcers or oral lichen planus canget glossitis quite easily as well. Those who suffer from numerous differenttypes of viral or bacterial infections should also be careful. Those who havean injured tongue should also take special care not to get infected byglossitis.
Glossitis is a hereditary medical condition so a person may have it,if her or his parents had it before. Excessive consumption of all differenttypes of tobacco products can also sometimes be associated with the developmentof glossitis. Atrophic glossitis usually gets triggered by malnutrition andvitamin B12 deficiency, riboflavin deficiency and iron deficiency.
Rubbing thetongue against a sharp tooth can also be the cause of this type of medicalcondition. Other causes of atrophic glossitis may or may not include differenttypes of yeast infections and a weakened immune system.
The migratory glossitismay be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency or yeast infections. It can be verypainful. The condition medically referred to as the median rhomboid glossitisgets caused at the very development of a fetus.
The tuberculum impar getstrapped and a patch gets developed on the tongue. This occurrence is completelyinvoluntary. Glossitis can be prevented by avoiding all the harmful substancesthat may cause it.
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