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This problem is very common today and it can be a source of great frustration and discomfort. It can also cause abdominal pain. For those who do not know what diarrhea is, basically, it is a rise of bowel movement number. Also, this is followed by a watery stool. As we have mentioned, this problem is very common and almost every person has this problem at least once a year. The food we eat is the most common cause of this problem, which is also called loose motion. Many food items can cause diarrhea. It is not common to go out somewhere for a dinner and in the morning wake up with a water stool. This food just didn't suit the digestive system and this will lead to the number of stools during one day. Naturally, based on this we can assume that avoiding these foods will reduce the chances of diarrhea. So, we will give you a list of several food items known to cause diarrhea.

Diarrhea Causing Food

Know that many food items can cause diarrhea, but some cause diarrhea only when they are consumed in excessive amounts. On other hand, some cause diarrhea by just entering the digestive system. The first food we will mention and which can lead to diarrhea are dairy products. The diarrhea can be caused by these products in people who do not tolerate lactose. People who are lactose intolerant should know this and avoid dairy products. Next is the red meat. Many benefits for human body are located in red meat and dairy products as well. It is not good to eliminate the nutrients located in these products, but they can be found in other food items, too. You can substitute red meat with white meat or fish. Try not to eat a lot of meat since it can sometimes be hard on the stomach and cause diarrhea. Diarrhea is followed by dehydration that can cause weakness of the body due to the loss of fluids. Alcohol is not a good idea if you are having diarrhea because it leads to worse dehydration and diarrhea. Caffeine can also cause diarrhea and make dehydration problem even worse. It can be used as a diuretic. If you are having constipation, food with a lot of fiber is recommended, but if you are having diarrhea, then it is not recommended to eat it, since it can enhance bowel movement. Avoid meals which have a lot of spices, since they can lead to diarrhea, too. Know that eliminating the mentioned food items from the consumption is not realistic, but try to avoid some in order to control the problem.

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