Many women will, at some point in their lives, have cysts of the ovaries, but there are also fallopian tube cysts which can be referred to as paratubal or paraovarian cysts. A paraovarian or paratubal cyst is an enclosed, fluid filled sac which grows near or beside the ovary and fallopian tube, but is commonly unattached. These types of cysts are generally located on the ligament between the ovary in question and the uterus, and are normally located on one side of the uterus. Paraovarian cysts are thought to develop from leftover eggs or embryological materials and are usually very small in size.
The cysts are not generally problematic, meaning they do not cause any complications or functional issues, and may not cause a woman who has them any symptoms. This means that it is common for these fallopian tube cysts to be found during a pelvic examination or laparoscopic procedure for a completely unrelated reason. Although a fallopian tube cyst is normally small in size, a paraovarian cyst can sometimes become larger. Depending upon the size and location of the cyst, it can put pressure on the bowel and bladder or cause pelvic pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
Smaller paraovarian cysts are typically found in women aged between 30 and 40 years of age, and they are often mistaken for an ovarian cyst. Larger paraovarian cysts can also occur in younger women, particularly during pregnancy, which is a period during which rapid growth can take place.
Paraovarian cysts are quite common and can account for approximately 10 percent of all pelvic masses that were diagnosed — and many more of these cysts may go undiscovered. Some women with a fallopian tube cyst will have no symptoms to report; however, when larger in size, these cysts can cause irregular menstrual cycles, abnormal bleeding, and painful intercourse.
The detection of these cysts is often accidental, meaning the physician was not explicitly looking for it. A paraovarian cyst may be discovered when a doctor puts pressure on the lower abdomen when doing an examination, or when two fingers are inserted into the vagina and pelvic palpation is performed. Another way to test for paraovarian cysts is to use an ultrasound scan and perform a visual examination using a lighted microscope to confirm the diagnosis, the location, and the size of the cyst.
Though some paraovarian cysts will disappear on their own, and patients may simply be asked to come in for more frequent OBGYN exams to see whether any changes occurred, methods of treatment may include hormones or laparoscopic surgery. If a woman suspects paraovarian cysts, it is very important to seek medical advice and treatment. By having the condition diagnosed and following the recommendations of a licensed medical professional, a woman can treat the problem and go on to live a normal quality of life and protect her fertility. Paraovarian cysts are rather common. They do not have to lead to infertility, and once diagnosed a patient can preserve her chances of someday being able to have a baby of her own.
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