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It is common for eye disease to occur in dogs. Many of these conditions can be treated, while others will present more significant problems. Problems with the eyes can develop at any stage of the dog’s life. However, some diseases occur more commonly during the early or late phases of life. Some of the most regularly seen kinds of conditions include corneal ulcers, entropion, cherry eye, pannus, and glaucoma. It is likely that most dogs who are properly taken care of will not suffer from any kind of problem. If a dog does suffer from any of these problems, then it will be necessary to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Eye disease in dogs
Each eye condition tends to manifest in different ways. For example, cherry eye will lead to a swelling of the third eyelid of the dog. A corneal ulcer will result in the eyes appearing to be red or squinty in its appearance. This problem is normally caused by infection. Entropion is an inherited condition which results in the upward rolling of the eyebrows. Another hereditary condition is glaucoma. This condition results in a build up of fluid pressure in the eyes, which can lead to inflammation, lens dislocations, and in some severe cases, blindness. Pannus is a quite rarely seen problem that results in the growth of a flesh like material above the cornea. The cause of this condition is not properly understood.
Treatment opttions
It is important to be able to identify these conditions, as this will help the owner to work out whether or not there is a serious condition. Being able to identify the problem is useful, as it can lead to the more prompt treatment of the condition. If you see symptoms of any of these conditions, then you should bring the dog to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Most of these conditions can be treated. The only two problems that may present significant difficulties with regard to treatment are glaucoma and pannus.
Treatment of these conditions can be more complicated, and in general, it will depend in the nature of the dog in question. Prompt treatment will most likely mean that the addressing of the problem will be more successful. There are risks involved with these problems. For example, glaucoma can result in a loss of vision. This condition can usually only be managed, rather than totally cured. Other conditions are more responsive to treatment.

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