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Enlarged Uterus

Apart from normal enlargement of the uterus which occurs in pregnancy numerous medical conditions of this female reproductive organ can lead to its enlargement. This medical condition is rarely asymptomatic particularly if the uterus becomes huge. Enlargement of uterus typically leads to enlargement of lower abdomen and this may be neglected and considered as weight gain. Enlargement of the uterus is sometimes found during routine gynecological examination.

Causes of Enlarged Uterus

In some women structural and developmental abnormalities may be a cause of enlarged uterus. Furthermore, uterine fibroids can be another cause of uterine enlargement. These benign tumors most commonly affect approximately 50% of all women. They may vary in size and if large enough typically cause noticeable uterine enlargement. Women may have one or suffer from multiple uterine fibroids. Even ovarian cysts can be a cause of uterus enlargement. The uterus also becomes bigger in case of endometrial cancer. It grows inside of the uterus and causes its expansion. And finally, adenomiosis, which is a medical condition that features with the presence of endometrium other than its particular place, can lead to enlarged uterus. Adenomyosis affects women in their 30s and is apart from uterine enlargement accompanied by irregular menstrual bleeding, menstrual cramps and sometimes clotting during menstruation.

Symptoms of Enlarged Uterus

The symptoms of enlarged uterus vary a lot. They may include abdominal pain, intensive menstrual cramps and painful menstruation, weight gain, etc. These symptoms can be easily overlooked and neglected. Women who have regular gynecological examination are easily diagnosed even before the onset of symptoms.

Enlarged uterus can interfere in normal menstrual bleeding. Namely, it can cause menorrhagia which is profuse or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Additional abnormalities include irregular period and passing blood clots.

Sudden gain weight can be symptomatic for uterus enlargement. Increase in the waistline may particularly point to the enlargement of this reproductive organ.

The pain or discomfort caused by uterus enlargement occurs during menstruation, it may also radiate towards lower back or flank area, it may accompany sexual intercourse and be in a form of abdominal pain.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Enlarged Uterus

The enlargement, if big enough, can be easily diagnosed by pelvic examination. If the uterus is slightly enlarged this can be detected with pelvic ultrasound. Further examinations such as biopsy, CT of the pelvis or even laparoscopy are performed to establish the actual cause of uterine enlargement.

Treatment for enlarged uterus basically depends on the actual cause and it may be either conservative or surgical.

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