Eating disorders and obesity are quite common problems of the modern times, all related to a person's body weight. Eating disorders presents an umbrella term for many different conditions, including bulimia, anorexia nervosa, unhealthy diet, malnutrition, binge eating etc. You need to understand eating disorders in order to prevent them. The same goes for obesity. In many cases, the reasons behind eating disorders and obesity are rooted deep inside the minds and the bodies of the affected people.
Facts about Eating Disorders and Obesity
Many teenage girls find themselves dissatisfied with their bodies, undergoing rigorous diets in order to mend this state of mind. Thus, they skip meals, fast or use tobacco or some other, more extreme approaches such as inducing vomiting or taking diet pills and laxatives.
These states of affairs easily lead to development of eating disorders, obesity or malnutrition. Also, due to the fact that teenagers are growing and developing both physically and mentally, eating disorders may lead to health problems, impaired growth and various emotional problems such as depression. In fact, girls who are overweight are known to be bothered by this state, wanting to go on a strict, abnormal diet more than their peers who have regular body weight.
Obese People and Eating Disorders
Obese people are more prone to eating disorders such as binge eating than other individuals. However, some people may have bouts of purging following their binge eating indulgence. This is common for bulimic people who give their best to get rid of the eaten food before they gain weight.
Obesity and Mood Disorders
Depressed adolescents are 50% more prone to being obese over a course of a year. Eating disorders usually go hand-in-hand with clinical depression, anxiety or substance abuse. Sometimes, even OCD can lead to obesity. Thus, psychologists or other mental health experts may be involved in the treatment of an obese person too.
Other Characteristics of Obesity
Children may become obese due to TV advertisements about food or their family which can be prone to malnutrition and eating disorders too. Once a teenager, adolescents or a child is overweight, let alone obese, the society places a stigma over him/her, contributing to the development of personal problems and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Due to the fact that obese people are commonly prone to an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle, they can suffer from stunted growth, delayed menstruation, organ damage, nutritional deficiencies, heart problems, cancer, strokes and many other diseases.
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