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Pregnancy loss before 20 weeks is called miscarriage, while early pregnancy loss occurs sometime between conception and the end of the first trimester. What are the causes of early pregnancy loss, what are the odds of having a miscarriage in the first weeks of your pregnancy, and what are the symptoms?


There is a 10 percent to 20 percent chance of miscarriage during the first trimester of pregnancy, depending on which sources you look at, as well as your own personal medical risks. There is some evidence to indicate that as many as 50 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage once you include very early pregnancy losses which often happen before a woman realizes she conceived, and without any symptoms that differ from normal menstruation.

Causes of first trimester miscarriages

Chromosomal abnormalities that are not compatible with the further development of the fertilized egg or embryo are often the cause of early pregnancy loss. According to studies, between 50 and 70 percent of early miscarriages are due to this. First pregnancies are more likely end in miscarriage than subsequent pregnancies, but those women who have a history of repeated miscarriage are also at a higher risk.

Symptoms of miscarriage

Every woman instinctively knows the symptoms of miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding, pain and cramps are common, and sometimes pregnancy signs a woman had will disappear. There normally isn't much that can be done to prevent a pregnancy loss, especially when the symptoms already started. Calling your doctor for advice on what to do next is the best at this stage.

When after a miscarriage can you conceive again?

Most women who had a miscarriage wonder when they can try to conceive again, and if there is a heightened risk of things going wrong a second time. Studies have shown that it's safe to get pregnant again within six months of losing a pregnancy, and women are actually more likely to conceive within this time frame.

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