This is actually considered to be one of the commonest conditions of the present time. Some know it as pasties, other as cottonmouth, but despite its name, the most common culprit is saliva shortage in the mouth and throat. In case a person suffers from this condition, he/she will certainly confirm that the symptoms of this condition are not to be underestimated and looked upon with a frown at all. They all have the potential to develop into more embarrassing condition and thus put us in an undesirable position.
As far as the composition is concerned, saliva’s major constituent is water (98%), plus electrolytes, enzymes, anti-bacterial blends and mucus, to name other important ones. Up to this point saliva has certainly created more negative picture than it is the case. But its benefits are numerous, since its functions as a lubricator and as a protector of our tongue, mouth tissue and teeth. Furthermore, it is right at the outset of the digestive process.
Some of the more common culprits of the condition called dry mouth are overall health, aging, surgery, particular lifestyle, and prescription medicines. It is easy to rectify some of the above mentioned, such as specific lifestyle habits. On the other hand, the causes which are based in medications, or some sort of an illness, can be rather difficult not only to change, but to influence. Also unhealthy and bad habits can cause dry mouth syndrome. One of them is smoking, which is responsible for the diminishing of the saliva in our mouth. By reducing, or even better, saying no to smoking, you will be able not only to reduce, but also win the war ultimately.
Side effects caused by drugs responsible for dry mouth
There is a number of other side-effects caused by medicines that are responsible for dry mouth. Among those are: blood pressure medicines, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, chemotherapy, asthma and alike. But these symptoms can cause even some more severe conditions and diseases such as anemia, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, HIV/ADIS, mumps and stroke. If the mouth is treated inadequately, that is a reason enough for developing additional symptoms like cavities or gum disease. The reason for this is that saliva itself is primarily responsible for providing protection to the gums and teeth. When smaller quantities of the saliva are present in our mouth, this can lead to the weakening of the mucus membrane, making our mouth weaker and more prone to various infections. Also this can diminish the overall protection ability against a number of infections, just like yeast infection for example.
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