The causes of dizziness
There are many causes of dizziness but in most cases, the cause is vertigo. Most people who experience dizziness, they experience it with a spinning sensation, which is vertigo. When a person gets struck by vertigo, the whole world will seem to be spinning around him or her, and a person will have the feeling of unsteadiness. It is not uncommon for people to feel sick and even vomit when they experience vertigo. People who have experienced it know that they will reduce the uneasiness by lying down flat. On the other hand, the symptoms will get worse if a person decides to sit up or move.
In most cases when people suffer from vertigo, it is caused by a problem in one of the inner ears. This sort of problem occurs when the labyrinth or vestibular nerve gets inflamed, damaged or is simply not functioning the way it should. In cases when the labyrinth sends either too many or too few messages, or simply wrong messages to the brain while on the other hand the messages the brain receives from other ear, eyes or body get in conflict with them, the brain will get confused. That is when vertigo occurs.
Inner ear problems that cause vertigo
There are lots of problems in the inner ear that may cause vertigo. One such problem is spinning around. A lot of people who spin around quite fast tend to experience vertigo for a short period of time. This usually happens on the playground or fairground rides. In these situations the brain receives way too many messages from the semicircular canals in the inner ear. This happens because of the constant changing of the position of the head.
An inflammation that happens in the labyrinth which is located in the inner ear is also known to cause vertigo. People should know that there are plenty causes that lead to this inflammation. A viral infection is the most common, however. Apart from vertigo, people will feel sick and even vomit in these situations. Hearing loss is possible as well and so are other symptoms like a sore throat, flu symptoms and a cold. In some cases the vertigo is so strong that people need to stay in bed until it subdues.
Apart from these two causes, a person may also experience some other inner ear problems like vestibular neuritis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and Meniere’s disease.There are also certain conditions that can cause central vertigo like migraine and an acoustic neuroma.
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/benign-paroxysmal-positional-vertigo-bppv
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/dizziness/
- Photo courtesy of https://www.myupchar.com/en by Wikimedia Commons: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Depiction_of_a_person_feeling_dizzy.png
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