Root Canal
This procedure is performed in people whose tooth pulp is infected. The cause of the infection is bacteria which reach the pulp after a crack of the tooth, loss of tooth filling or as a consequence of a cavity. The affected tooth is painful and sensitive especially to hot or cold air and food. The infection can spread from the pulp onto the bone and nearby soft tissue and lead to formation of an abscess.
The surgery includes opening of the affected root canal and removing the pulp. The dentist clears the tooth cavity and prepares it for filling with special tooth filling substance. A final touch is placement of sealer- cement. In some cases the patient will need a crown to cover the tooth. The crowns are most commonly made of porcelain or gold.
Implants are substitution for damaged and lost roots. They are made of special metal and inserted in the jawbone. Several months after the insertion of implants the final touch of the surgery is placement of artificial teeth. These teeth are either screwed or cemented.
Crowning a Tooth
In case that tooth has been damaged crowning can be rather effective way in preservation of its structure and function. Firstly, the part of the tooth which is destroyed and damaged is removed. Then a gel is applied onto the surface of the tooth and finally a crown is placed on the top of the previously prepared tooth. The dentist will take care of all the additional adjustment.Filling Cavities
A cavity is a hole in a tooth and it develops as a consequence of tooth deterioration. Filling cavities is basically performed under local anesthesia. Still, some patients require no anesthesia at all. The damaged part of the tooth is drilled and the hole is filled with special filling substance.
Surgery for Periodontal Disease
There are several surgical procedures for patients who are suffering from periodontal disease.
Flap surgery includes lifting of the gum and scraping of the accumulated plaque. The gum is then placed back on its original place and stitched.
Gingivectomy is surgical removal of the gum. This procedure is performed in case of excessive growth of the gum.
Bone surgery in periodontal disease is performed to remove the rotten bone. In guided tissue regeneration after cleaning of the bone under the affected gum the dentist places a special membrane between the bone and the gum. This way bacteria cannot reach the bone and its regeneration can be successfully fulfilled. After the bone has healed properly the membrane is removed. In some cases, when the excessive portion of the bone has been affected the dentist will perform a graft surgery with bone tissue taken from other part of the body.
And finally, excessive destruction of the affected gum requires a graft of gum tissue.
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