The Cause of Having Cysts under Tongue
Most of the time, the small red cysts come about due to the malfunction of the salivary glands. These glands are accountable for keeping your mouth salivated and they continually supply it with fluid. Your digestion relies totally on your saliva function and unfortunately sometimes the salivary glands do in fact malfunction which will then cause you to suffer with cysts under the tongue. If there is an unexpected obstruction of the salivary glands which in turn leads to an impediment it can cause the cysts to explode.
In some cases, there may have been an injury sustained to the salivary glands for the reason of an unintentional bite on the lip or the cheeks. This action can cause a thicker and extreme saliva production or it can cause a stone to shape and lead to cysts beneath the tongue. If there is a stone that has formed in the salivary tract it can stop the flow of the saliva which in turn can lead to the gland getting swollen. The mouth can start to become dehydrated because of this which is called sialolithiasis or in easier terms salivary gland stones. The cysts are referred to as ranula because the name comes from what we call the noise that frogs make in their throats.The Treatment for Cysts under Tongue
In most cases the cysts under the tongue will disappear on their own accord. They will definitely go away by themselves when there has been some form of an injury to the salivary glands for an example a bite to the lips or the cheeks. In some cases the cysts reoccur and do not heal by themselves and surgery may have to be an option.Conditions in Which Surgery Becomes Imperative
Surgery can be an option in the case where the ducks have become blocked or if an infection causes more and more cysts to form. If the muscles and the nerves in the mouth do not coordinate correctly causing more saliva than usual to be produced this will probably need surgery to correct the issue. The surgery will basically consist with removing either the object that is causing the blockage or removing a piece of the gland itself.
- medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001639.htm
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/mouth-cancer/
- Photo courtesy of Klaus D. Peter by Wikimedia Commons: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Retention_cyst.jpg
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