An important fact that every person should know is that, when it comes to a heart transplant, it represents a surgical procedure in the course of which a heart that has been damaged is taken out and replaced by a healthy heart of a donor who was also of good health. The purpose of this surgery is not only saving a person’s life but also giving that person an opportunity to start his/her life anew and in a more satisfactory manner, come to that. But in order to fully comprehend the purpose and the significance of the procedure in question, what a person should get acquainted with first are the criteria that indicate the need for such a procedure.
Relevant criteria
None of the organ transplant procedures is either easy or bereaved of dangers, and this goes for the transplantation of the heart as well. In order for it to be even considered, there exist certain criteria and requests that need to be met prior to applying and undergoing the procedure inquestion. As we all already know, certain conditions make a person more dependent on a heart transplantation, as opposed to the rest. Those conditions and ailments that fall into the "utmost necessary" category are the following:
Coronaryartery disease (building up of plaque that directly induces the blockage in the heart arteries, as well as their malfunction), Congenital heart disease, Valvular heart disease, Hypoplastic left-heart syndrome in the neonate, Hypertrophic or restrictive cardiomyopathy, Infiltrative cardiomyopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy.Once the person in question has been diagnosed with any of the above mentioned illnesses, it is the main indicator that it is in dire need of either a stronger medication therapy, or in need of a device. In case this does not cause any improvement in the condition of the person, what is left is to undergo a heart transplantation procedure.
Transplant prerequisites
In continuation, you will find out what are the main prerequisites that qualify a person for a heart transplant procedure.
Age – despite the fact that people of all ages are to, undoubtedly, benefit to a great extent, those people who are over 65 years of age are unfortunately in most cases excluded. Life expectancy – persons whose heart transplant life expectancy is less than a year unless they receive a new heart are more than legible and do qualify for a transplant. Severity of condition – another prerequisite is the official confirmation of the severity of the heart disease, as well as a confirmation that heart transplant is an absolute must.Other relevant criteria also include family support, influx of diseases, need for an artificial heart, more than one prior heart-induced hospitalization.
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