Some people suffer from a medical condition called sleepapnea. It is a sleep disorder known for causing cessation of breathing duringthe sleep. The body wakes from the sleep because it lacks oxygen. In somecases, the person may not even be aware of the condition. There are threedifferent types of sleep apnea and the most common one is called obstructivesleep apnea, as it occurs in 85 percent of all reported cases. It is caused byany type of physical obstruction to the flow of air.
CPAP Therapy
Every 15th citizen of the United States suffersfrom sleep apnea. Most people who suffer from this medical condition are completelyunaware of it, so there are only a small percentage of them who get treatedafter being diagnosed properly. If the condition does not get treated on timeit may lead to stroke, heart diseases and high blood pressure. The mostcommonly used method of treatment for sleep apnea in CPAP. It is an acronym forContinuous Positive Airway Pressure. The method involves a device designed toprovide constant airflow and keep the airways open. The compressed air flowsthrough a hose towards the face mask, nasal pillow or nasal mask. Differentneeds of different patients determine the pressure of the air, which getsprescribed by the physician. The prescribed pressure is referred to as thetitrated pressure.
Side Effects of CPAP Machines
CPAP is the most successful and the most common method oftreatment for all those who suffer from sleep apnea, but it may also sometimesbe affiliated with certain side effects in some cases. Most of those sideeffects are usually associated with incorrect usage or wrong selection of thenasal masks. One of the most common side effects of CPAP is nasal congestion.In some cases it may also be accompanied by a runny nose or sometimes even nasalirritation. This occurs due to the humidity of the air which passes through thenose. Sneezing and burning sensations may also occur. Other common side effectsof CPAP may include headaches and increased ear pressure, which usually occurin those who suffer from the common cold, allergic reactions or sinusinfections. Those who suffer from allergies or a deviated septum in the nosemay also experience certain problems while breathing through the nose. Otherside effects of CPAP may sometimes include the formation of excess gas instomach or a feeling of general discomfort.
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