Among all the dairy allergies,the one induced by the cows milk is the most common,especially when it comes to younger children. One upside, however, is thatalmost all babies do outgrow this specific allergy, and do so completely oncethey are two and three years old. Until the child reaches this age, theirparents need not break their heads with this, since the best way to avoid it isto simply establish control by way of a dairy-free diet.
Allergy revealed
As most of the people alreadyknow, milk as such consists of proteins, carbohydrates (sugar), vitamins,minerals, fat and last but not the least water. And it is those proteins thatare responsible for any allergic reaction, after the initial sip. This proteinallergy can potentially develop in children who are breastfed, as well as inthose children who are fed by formula. Important to emphasize is that theformer are at a far lesser risk of developing this specific allergy, and anyfood allergy come to that. However, there is a slight chance that even thesechildren develop this protein allergy by way of encountering the milk proteincoming from the diet of their mother, and thus directly into the mother’s milk.Also, some children, i.e. babies, may develop sensitivity to the protein comingfrom the cow’s milk without experiencing any allergic reaction, at least notuntil the moment they consume the proper cow’s milk themselves.
Most frequent manifestations
Those babies who have themisfortune of coming down with this allergy might exhibit symptoms such as skinrash and/or eczema, cramps, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, and vomiting maytake place on a more regular basis. As far as those more serious reactions areconcerned, certain children may develop one known as the anaphylaxis. This isknown to take place in just a matter of minutes after the child has indigestedthe food variety allergic to. Manifestations include swelling of the face,tongue and the mouth, causing hindrances in breathing, as well as hives and rash,flushing and severe vomiting.
Treatment methods
When it comes to those childrenwho are breastfed, important to know is that once diagnosed with this allergy, this does not mean there should be a stop in breastfeeding. All it takes forthis to be alleviated is for a mom to exclude dairy products from her every daydiet. In case of children who are fed with milk-based formula, there willbe a need to change to soy-based or hydrolysate formula.
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