Problem that affects the lymphatic system is lymphedema, and this condition is created when a blockage of the mentioned system occurs. Since the lymphatic system is very important, and since it helps with the immune system, this can be a serious condition and problem. When the blockage is made, flow of fluid is affected, and swelling usually occurs on that part of the body. This swelling can happen on any part of the body, but parts like legs and arms are usually more affected than other. Along with these body parts, abdomen, neck, trunk, inner organs, head and genitalia can also be affected. There is a number of possible problems and symptoms which can affect patients. They may arise due to the development and growth of the condition and because of the secondary complications. These complications usually happen because of the stagnated lymphatic fluid.
Lymphoma aggravation
Much comorbidity (pathologies) can make the problem more serious and complicated. Additional fluid retention can cause more swelling, especially in the lower extremities. The treatment of this condition depends on the decongestive exercise regimen, and it is the very important to treat these comorbidities.
We have mentioned what part lymphatic system has an important role in sustaining the strength of immune system. One of the more common complications experienced is cellulitis. This skin problem causes diffuse redness, pain, fever, tenderness and edema. If a patient constantly suffers from this problem, prophylactic antibacterial therapy has to be performed.
Parts of the body, most commonly nails and skin, can be affected by the fungal infections, but these infections can be avoided by performing fungal treatment. There are some skin problems that can occur. Proteins can cause the hardening of the soft tissue. The name for this problem is lymphostatic fibrosis, and it is very similar to scar tissue. Problems like this, as well as lymphatic cysts, can be treated.
Treatment of the lymphedema has to be performed in order to avoid angiosarcoma, which is a malignant tumor. This rare tumor is usually found on the upper or lower extremities. It can become serious very rapidly. The problems that are created by this condition include spots of skin which are discolored and which may grow into ulcers and tissue necrosis. Pain can be acute sometimes.
Every single aspect of patient's life can be negatively affected. Problems like depression are possible, but most patients are able to continue with everyday activities. Talking with professionals can help and we warmly suggest this idea.
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