Lymphedema is the name given to the characteristic swelling that appears usually in just one arm or leg, but there are cases when both arms or legs are affected. Lymphedema happens because the lymph cannot normally flow through the lymphatic system, due to some blockage in it, which has for the consequence the typical swelling. There are several symptoms for lymphedema which can be noticed either on arm or on leg, and some of them are visible swelling of a part, or if entire arm or leg including even fingers or toes, the feeling of tightness and aching in the affected limb, and limited motion. The person who suffers from this illness may also have returning and frequent infections, as well as hardening and thickening of the skin of the legs or arms, which are affected with lymphedema.
Lymphedemacan be mild and severe. If the swelling prolongs, it is very important to visit the doctor. The specific treatment for lymphedema does not exist, but if it is possible to ease and alleviate the swelling and painful. Exercises, wrapping the arm or leg, massage, pneumatic compression, and compression garments can be of great help for lymphedema. Herbs and nutritional supplements are recommended, along with these methods of treatment.
Of the nutritional supplements the compound bromelain and the butcher’s broom ruscogenin, which are taken in the form of tablet, are very effective for lymphedema. If the person feels some uncomfortable itching in the affected limb, it is important to stop taking these supplements. Ginger tea consumed three times a day can be very helpful in increasing the lymph flow and decreasing the inflamed tissue in the legs or arms. The horse chestnut Aescin cream or Aescin tablets are effective in reducing the swelling and in making the lymphatic vessel walls stronger. The pregnant women must not use these herbal supplements. Furthermore, the ligament proanthocyanidins grape seeds or pine barks extract tablets are also beneficial, because they decrease the inflammation, thus leading to the swelling reduction.
Sweetclover ointment is an herbal supplement which helps in improving the circulation of the lymph through the lymphatic system and in addition helps in faster healing of the skin wounds that sometimes appears as a result of lymphedema. Usually it is used in the form of herbal tincture. If the person notices any yellowing of the skin or in eyes, or has some strange itching in the affected arms or legs, it is advisable to immediately stop the using of this supplement.
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