Influenza, more known to peopleby its shorter name, “flu”, is an infection caused by a virus which attacks ourrespiratory system. Being that kind of an infection, it is logical thatinfluenza is transferred by air, inhaling, that is.
Some of the important factsconsidering flu are that it is usually at its peak in the winter period whenthe number of infected people is at such a high level that this situation iscalled an epidemic. If, however, infections spread on a world wide level, thisis called pandemic.
The incubation period of thevirus lasts up to four days while the infection can hold a person up to sevendays. An interesting thing about this virus is that people tend to add otherbacterial or viral infections to it and this way spread it on organs which itnever actually attacks. For example, influenza is thought to sometimes causestomachache even though this is caused by another, independent bacteria and hasnothing to do with flu. The influenza virus is concentrated mainly and solelyon the respiratory system, meaning that every other infection is out of its“jurisdiction”, so to say. A running nose, high fever, fatigue and sneezing arethe best signs of this infection.
Though alone, influenza may notbe so dangerous, it is known to trigger or provoke many others, in somesituations life-threatening, illnesses.
Most infamously, it is known tocause pneumonia. Actually, flu only develops a good terrain for other bacterialinfections since it lowers people's immunity making it easier for them tostrike. Most often, pneumonia can be deadly for older people. Flu, as manyother viral and bacterial infections, tends to be dangerous by triggering otherinfections and these are often life-threatening for groups such as older peopleand small children. Having their immunity down, being low at the first place,flu makes it easy for pneumonia to infect the lungs, causing those who getinfected to be hospitalized and potentially in danger of dying.
Influenza is also known to bedangerous for children up to three years old. When they suffer from influenza,it may be able to cause many nervous infections such as meningitis, being ableto cause death if not treated properly.
Flu vaccines are availableworld-wide and one should get protected on time, not because of the flu and theinfluenza virus itself, but mainly from the danger of getting his or herimmunity decreased and be in danger of getting infected by a more seriousvirus.
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