Coronary artery disease is the condition in which the major blood vessels supplying the heart with blood are damaged or diseased. The main reason for that is usually gradual accumulation of the plaque that consists of the fatty deposits, because that accumulation leads to the narrowing of the arteries and, that way the heart is getting less and less blood, as well as the oxygen and nutrients along with it. It can result in chest pain, shortness of breath, or even a total blockage of the artery, which will eventually provoke a heart attack. However, given that this process of the accumulation of the plaque in the artery usually does not happen over night, but it lasts for years, and is usually related to the unhealthy lifestyle, the first symptoms may often be ignored, or even not noticed and recognized. This is why people who are a part of the risky group should pay even more attention to some of these symptoms, and the risky group referring to those who smoke, suffer from high blood pressure or cholesterol, as well as to those who are obese or have diabetes. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the better the chances of preventing a heart attack are.
TreatmentThe treatment usually requires the immediate change of the unhealthy habits, reduction of stress and quitting smoking or losing weight if necessary, but medicines are inevitable part as well. They are used mainly for the treatment of the symptoms, meaning to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, to slow down the heart rate and to control the pain in the chest. There are cases in which it is necessary to do some of the surgery procedures, either angioplasty or coronary artery bypass, all in the purpose of improving the flow of the blood.
As for the possible complications of coronary artery disease, they usually happen when the symptoms are not recognized in time, or if, for some reason, the treatment does not give the expected result. In such cases, the most serious complication is the heart failure, which happens as a result of reduced blood flow. Heart attack is also possible and it is triggered by the total blockage of the heart artery. Both of these complications might have a fatal outcome. Some less serious complications of this condition are limited to the pain in the chest, shortness of the breath and arrhythmia or irregular heart rhythms.
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