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Dry throat is a problem that occasionally happens to almost everyone. The reasons behind this problem are many and in most cases they are either related to the environment or to the overuse of the voice and throat. However, even though in most cases dry throat goes back to normal very quickly, sometimes it persists and becomes chronic. Like with all chronic conditions, chronic dry throat is best if examined by a doctor, in case there is a more serious underlying condition causing it.

Symptoms of dry throat

When the throat is dry, it causes quite a lot of discomfort. The throat may feel scratchy or itchy, sore or tingly. It may be difficult to swallow and in some cases the voice changes too. Breathing through the mouth may also be a bit painful.

Sometimes dry throat is associated with allergies and in that case it will be combined with other typical symptoms of allergy, such as sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. If dry throat is related to flu or cold, the other symptoms will involve coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, fatigue, headache and fever.

Causes of dry throat

There are many potential causes of dry cough. When it comes to chronic dry cough, the cause may be an underlying health issue or an environmental factor. Continuous exposure to dry air and to pollutants, as well as smoking, are among the major causes of chronic dry throat. Dehydration is rarely associated with the chronic form of this problem, especially because dehydration never lasts long.

Harsh weather, especially dry hot or dry cold air, often lead to a number of health issues, and dry throat is among them. Snoring and breathing through the mouth are also common causes of chronic dry throat.

Finally, dry throat may be associated with a problem regarding the salivary glands where there is not enough saliva to lubricate and protect the throat.

Treatment for dry throat

In order to successfully overcome chronic dry throat it is vital to identify the exact cause. Addressing and solving the cause of dry throat will solve this problem too. In the meantime, it may help to use indoor air humidifiers and vaporizers, to always keep well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, to avoid smoking and spending time in smoky rooms, to avoid potential allergens and to try to sleep with the mouth closed, breathing through the nose.

There are also several over-the-counter solutions available, which can effectively relieve the symptoms of dry throat.

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