Low blood pressure
Low blood pressure is medically called hypotension. If the systolic blood pressure is 90 mm Hg or lower, or if diastolic is 60 mm Hg or lower, bloodpressure is commonly regarded hypotension. There are four types of low blood pressure:
low blood pressure when standing up,low blood pressure after eating,neurally mediated hypotension, andlow blood pressure due to the damage of nervous system .Symptoms of low blood pressure
The main symptoms of low blood pressure are dizziness, syncope or fainting,lack of concentration, as well as blurred vision, fatigue and depression. Some personswith hypotension have cold, clammy or pale skin as well. Furthermore, rapidand shallow breathing and constant thirst may also appear as symptoms of lowblood pressure.
Causes of low blood pressure
Low blood pressure in many cases is not very serious because it can betreated, but it is very important to visit the doctor when the symptoms appear.In order to treat hypotension properly, the real cause must be established first. Several conditions are the main causes of the appearance of hypotension, and theseconditions are pregnancy, heart problems, endocrine problems, dehydration, lossof blood, and septicemia, as well as anaphylaxis and lack of nutrients in thediet. When a woman is pregnant, the blood pressure falls because circulatorysystem expands quickly. This is normal and is not serious, because the blood pressurenormalizes after the birth of the child.
Bradycardia or extremely low heart rate and problems of heart valve, as well asheath attack and heart failure are some of the reasons why hypotension occurs. Theseheart problems may cause hypotension, because in those conditions the heart isnot able to pump enough blood. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are also the reasons for the occurrence ofthe hypotension. Moreover, Addisons’ disease or adrenal insufficiency,hypoglycemia and diabetes can sometimes cause low blood pressure. Even in the case of mild dehydration the body does not have enough water, so dizziness,fatigue, and weakness occur. Dehydration may cause one serious condition that can even be fatal. Hypovolemic shock happens when low blood volume leads to anabrupt fall in the blood pressure and to the reduction of oxygen level.
Septicemia or blood infection and septic shock, as well as severe allergic reactions, can lead to the low blood pressure, and these conditions can be life-threatening.A serious hypotension can be caused when the person loses too much blood, either due to the injury, or because of internal bleeding. Low blood pressure may be a consequence of the use of some drugs, such asdiuretics, beta-blockers and Parkinson’s disease medication, as wellas tricyclic antidepressants.
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