Koilonychia is a medical condition that features with specific changes in structure of fingernails. They become more flat and there are recesses present. Additionally, the edges of fingernails are raised more than they are supposed to be. The cavity in the nail is so obvious that it can, for example, hold a drop of water. Koilonychia is in majority of cases caused by anemia, to be more precise iron-deficiency anemia. Apart from that koilonychia may be one symptom of improper peripheral circulation, certain musculoskeletal conditions or hormonal imbalance. It is also common in some autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus. Hemochromatosis and kidney disorders are two additional diseases that may present with koilonychia.
Sometimes trauma and injuries or even usage of soaps, certain oils and aggressive chemicals without proper hand protection can result in this medical condition.
Causes of Koilonychia
People who are suffering from iron deficiency and consequent anemia often present koilonychia. Hypochromic anemia is actually a leading cause of this condition.
Hormonal imbalance particularly improper function of thyroid gland can present with koilonychia.
Raynaud's disease is a vasospastic disorder which features with inadequate blood supply of the finger tips. This lack of blood can in the long run lead to specific changes of fingernails and koilonychia is only one of them.
Systemic lupus erythematosus basically affects skin. Still in some patients even fingernails can be affected. Koilonychia is possible in these patients as well.
Nail-patella syndrome is a genetic condition that features with specific changes of fingernails, elbow, patella and iliac bone. This syndrome can also feature with koilonychia.
Sometimes trauma or even injuries of the fingernails can lead to changes that can present as koilonychia. This specifically occurs in extensive trauma and those injuries that destroy the whole of the fingernail where koilonychia can be obvious during the regrowth of the nail.
Malnourished people often present koilonychia. Insufficient intake of food in general means the iron is not taken in adequate amounts so the nail changes are evident outcome.
Some people are chronically exposed to certain substances that can lead to this condition. Their professions are responsible for prolonged exposure and if they do not protect their hands they are likely to develop koilonychia. Some of these potentially damaging substances include petroleum, diesel and other products.
Even women who are cleaning houses with aggressive chemicals without proper protection of gloves can damage their fingernails.
Apart from the previously mentioned koilonychia can be a consequence of chemotherapeutics.
In some cases that do not include medical conditions koilonychia can be successfully evaded. Gloves and good care of fingernails can be a perfect protection from this condition. In case that koilonychia has been cause by a medical condition, it can be eliminated only when the primary disease has been brought under control.
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