Black spots in vision as a result of the aging process
If the person experiencing the black spots in vision is over 50 years of age, then they may as well relax because this is a fairly common consequence of the aging process. The black spots that this group of people experiences are called eye floaters, which are the kind of tiny specks floating in the field of vision. The reason this happens is due to the shrinking of the eyeballs which is quite inevitable in that particular stage of life. So the thing that happens is that when the eyeballs shrink, the fluids in them become too excessive and they are bound to split. That means that half of the fluid remains clear and the other half becomes a sort of ropey waste. This waste is what is known as the term eye floaters in medicine.
Black spots in vision as a result of posterior vitreous detachment
Vitreousdetachment is sort of a condition in which the glassy body that covers the retina, which is a very important membrane that covers the inner eye and is connected to the brain through the optic nerve, separates from it. This is not likely to happen for no reason whatsoever, but it is rather caused by some inflammatory conditions which are not necessarily related to the eye. They include a kind of trauma or injury, diabetes, a more serious case of myopia or the previously-mentioned old age. Once posterior vitreous detachment occurs, the vitreous, that is, the glassy body, is likely to turn into liquid, causing the floaters in the eye which manifest themselves as black spots in vision.
Black spots in vision as a result of an eye infection
The eyes are sensitive and can be easily infected if they come in contact with some sort of bacteria, virus or fungus. This is usually not a serious matter and the immune system is able to get rid of the infection quite easily. However, the remains of the microorganisms and the cells from the immune system can still linger in the eye and disrupt the vision in the form of black spots.
These are the most common causes of black spots in vision, but for the more serious ones, one will require medical assistance.
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