Retinal Detachment - Symptoms and Signs
Patients suffering from retinal detachment typically complain about sudden flashes of lights, floaters as well as spots in the eyes. The vision becomes poor and many times blurry. The person also reports that he/she has sensation of seeing a curtain or a shadow coming across from the side of the eye or falling from the top of the field of vision.
Even though retinal detachment may occur rapidly with all the mentioned symptoms developing very quickly, many times the condition progresses gradually, leaving sufficient time for it to be diagnosed and treated on time.
The condition never causes any pain or discomfort which may postpone contacting the doctor. This is why any change in the field of vision even though it is not accompanied by discomfort and/or pain must be reported as soon as possible. By doing so one may prevent irreversible loss of vision.
Retinal Detachment - Causes
Injuries, trauma s well as certain eye condition all can be initiators of retinal detachment.
Firstly, retinal detachment may affect people suffering from severe from of nearsightedness. Furthermore, any injury to the face, including the eye, if severe enough may cause this medical issue. Also, the condition may develop as a side effect of LASIK surgery, the one performed on very nearsighted individuals. Sickle cells disease, diabetes and many other systemic diseases along with eye disorders like tumors in the eye may all be associated with retinal detachment.
Retinal Detachment - Treatment
The only way to bring the retina to its original place is by performing surgery. In cases when retinal detachment may occur due to leaking blood vessels these can be efficiently destroyed by laser photocoagulation and further detachment can be successfully prevented.
It is also possible to bring the retina to its original place by injecting silicone oil into the eyeball. This way the oil pushes the retina to the back of the eye, keeping it in its place.
Another approach is pneumatic retinopexy, a procedure of injecting a bubble of gas in the vitreous humor. Since vitreous humor fills the back of the eye and it actually supports the retina, once it gets filled with air, it will keep the retina in its place and be even more efficient against its detachment.
Finally, patients suffering from retinal detachment may need to undergo cryosurgery.
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