Vitreous detachments can be detected by the presence of eye flashes and floaters in the vision line. Eye surgeries, inflammations, eye infections and aging can be some of the causes of this problem. We will talk about this problem in detail in the following text. The vision can be filled with the cobwebs, specks, or spots, and this problem is named eye flashes or floaters. The eye’s back chamber is filled with fluid that resembles jelly. The problem occurs when this fluid, which is vitreous gel, is a place where small clumps are developed. Light flashes or photopsia usually occur with the mentioned problem. This is a very popular and common problem that most people have experienced once in their lives.
Vitreous is a clear material located in the inner part of the eyeball. It fills the eyeball, it gives the eye its shape, and it consists of proteins. But, thickening and shrinking of this gel comes with age and this leads to the pulling away of the inner part eye lining and the retina fibers from the eye's surface. Then, the particles or debris are created, while the cavity in which this gel is present then fills up with this debris that floats in this cavity. This creates shadows on the retina, which we detect as spots followed by flashes. As we have mentioned, aging is one of the most common causes of this problem. But inflammation and infection can also cause it. Vitreous degenerates over time and this leads to the collagen thickening, which eventually leads to the creation of the eye floaters. The problem we are talking about can also be called posterior vitreous separation or posterior vitreous detachment. This occurs in cases among people who are older than 50 years of age. Also, diabetic retinoplasty, blood diseases, central vein occlusion and eye trauma can cause the problem in question. The problem may also be a result of a surgery, such as YAG laser eye surgery, or cataract surgery. Both of these surgeries can lead to the spots detected in the line of a vision. Sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, eye toxoplasmosis, eye tumors and cytomegalovirus retinitis are also possible causes.
The experienced spots can be floating cobweb materials, transparent strings, veils, knobby specs, transparent specs, dark specs and small dots. Also flashes of light may be experienced. The problem is not serious and it resolves usually on its own, but in some cases, it may create serious problems, like loss of central field of vision.
Vitrectomy is a surgery performed only in most serious cases when field of vision is impaired. But, incomplete floaters removal, cataract and retinal detachment are some of the numerous possible complications that can follow this surgery. Oral medications, topical eye drops and drugs administered in the eye are treatment possibilities as well. Remember to see a professional if the problem becomes great and field of vision becomes impaired.
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