Pre-diabetes or bordering diabetes is a condition marked by the higher than the normal levels of glucose in the blood, which is still not as high as to show diabetes. This condition is a reversible condition and should be treated or controlled. Otherwise, diabetes can be developed.
In order to establish the level of glucose in the blood, the blood sugar test should be done. The normal level of glucose in the blood in the morning or before the meals is considered to be from 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter. In people who have pre-diabetes or bordering diabetes, the glucose level in the blood is from 100 to 125 milligrams per deciliter. When the blood sugar test show the reading above 126 milligrams per deciliter, then the person who did the test has developed diabetes.
Symptoms of pre-diabetes or bordering diabetes
Pre-diabetes is a condition that is often asymptomatic and it hardly shows any sign. Therefore, every person should check the blood sugar levels at least once a year. In the majority of cases, when the symptoms appear they are the symptoms of developed diabetes. The most common symptoms of diabetes are excessive thirst and subsequent frequent urination, tiredness and fatigue, as well as problems with vision, such as blurred or double vision. Furthermore, people who suffer from diabetes may experience tingling sensation in the hands and feet, weight fluctuations and slow-healing sores. If these symptoms are noticed, it is extremely important to go and visit a doctor. Diabetes is a serious condition and should be controlled. Many people die of it and it also may cause certain complications, such as heart disease, blindness and kidney failure.
Risk factors and the treatment for pre-diabetes or bordering diabetes
The people who have problems with obesity, as well as those who have somebody in the family with diabetes, are more prone to develop this condition. Furthermore, the people who eat a lot of processed starchy foods are also at high risk to develop pre-diabetes.
The treatment of this condition includes the change of the lifestyle and the change of diet in order to lower the level of glucose in the blood. It is recommended that physical activity and regular exercise should be practiced every day, at least for 30 minutes. Simple walking or climbing stairs, or accomplishing tasks at home is very effective in lowering the glucose level in blood. The diet should contain foods with low glycamic index, such as green leafy vegetables, whole meal bread and barley, as well as fresh fruits.
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