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From a more “technical” side, a broken wrist (and a broken hand) represents a crack that can occur in just about any bone that is a part of either the person’s wrist or the person’s hand. It is the former that is considered to be more frequent of the two injuries. This happens most often when a person attempts to alleviate the fall and thus employs arms as means to catch him/herself, but unfortunately for many, this ends in a pretty hard landing on the hand. Other possible case scenarios include an injury during a specific kind of sport activity, for example soccer, American football, snowboarding and skiing as well. This particular injury is also quite common in people suffering from osteoporosis – bones of a person in question have the tendency to lose their firmness and mass in the course of time, thus becoming too delicate and gentle. Due to a serious nature of the injury in question, it is recommended to treat it as soon as you have the chance, since leaving it unattended can cause the bones to heal improperly and lose their proper alignment.

Most frequently encountered manifestations

In case a person has, as a consequence of one action or another, injured his/her wrist or hand to the point of breakage, that same person is most surely to experience the following symptoms:

Occurrence of severe pain that has the potential to increase during gripping or squeezing (actions)SwellingTendernessBruisingObvious deformity, such as a bent wrist or crooked fingerStiffness or inability to move your finger or thumbNumbness or coldness in your finger or thumb

When it comes to the causes, those lying at the bottom are such as falls of any kind, sport injuries and injuries that are a direct side product of motor vehicle crashes.

Medications and treatment techniques

External fixation – in case the bones that have been broken are not placed in a proper position, this will need to be done by a doctor, and the entire procedure is known under the term fracture reductionImmobilization – it refers to the restriction in the movement of the broken bone, in the wrist and the hand and is done by means of splint, or by means of a castMedicines and drugs – in order to decrease the inflammation pain, doctors often advise people in question to opt for the pain relievers such as acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin for e.g.)Other extremely successful methods and techniques include such as various types of therapies (e.g. rehabilitation exercises, physical therapy) aimed at reducing the stiffness and restoration of the proper movement in the affected area, and surgical procedures.

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