Breathing techniques for anxiety
Normal breathing is interrupted when people get anxious. They start to breathe really quick and shallow. Because of this, not enough oxygen gets circulated thus causing hyperventilation. However, there are some breathing techniques that can ease this state. If a person gets a feeling that his anxiety is building up he should commence with deep breathing exercises. Those that have this problem may try some yoga techniques or other relaxation techniques for anxiety, as well. Two effieient yoga techniques are, alternate nostril breathing and Ujjayi.
Breathing exercises for anxiety
Breathing with muscular action
When a person has perfected the exercise with the muscular action, he or she can add breathing to synchronize it with. The first thing is to breathe via nostrils thus making the lower abdomen rise and then exhale loudly through mouth as the abdomen falls. Next, a person should breathe in again and make the abdomen rise. After that, he or she should exhale loudly through the mouth again. Then, when the person has inhaled, he or she should “force” the oxygen into the hands and feet. Breathing out loudly follows.
After these breathing exercises, a person should feel the tension leave the body and muscles loosen. A person should be able to feel how the tension has left the body through the skin at the places where he or she touches the floor, while lying on the back. These exercises are the core of Power Breathing and can be done standing up as well. They should be practiced a few times per day.
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