The following text will focus on the product named Bowflex. This is a fitnessmachine made from plastic rods, which provide resistance and greatstrength training. It does not have weight plates like other fitness machines.Company behind this product is called Nautilus and it is a very popular company, which has great experience in the field. They make durable and quality gymmachines, which is exactly what brought them the mentioned popularity.
Power Pro
This company will not remember the year 2004, when 102 000 Ultimate unitsand 680 000 Pro units were recalled due to problems they had, which causedmany injuries among which are two very serious. Seat pin, which is used for immobilizingthe seat, had a problem that caused sudden and violent shifting of the seat.The problem was repaired immediately by the Nautilus, which sent free repairkits to known customers and recalled all products made before the 2002, sincethey were the only ones with the seat pin problem. This is the only problem Nautilus had with their products. It is generally hardto have a problem with these machines since they are very sturdy and once theyare placed in a wanted position, they are not moved. Remember the mentioned recall if you are considering buying the Power Pro gymmachine. So, always ask when the machine was made and never buy a machine olderthen January 2004, since this is when the recall occurred. Machines made afterthis date are safe to use. Also, you can see if the pin has been repaired ifyou come across a machine made before this date. So if the problem of seat pinhas been corrected, the machine will be safe to use. We advise you to get aunit made after the January 2004, but if you want to buy a product made beforethis date and if the pin has not been replaced, you can replace it with a repairkit. Seat pin is very important and it holds the machine in a proper position, whichis crucial if you are in an inclined position. So do not buy a product of whose historyyou are not sure. Bench press and many other workouts involve a lot of force soif the seat collapses, serious injuries can occur. In order to avoid injuries it isbest to spend a bit more money on the machine. Bowlfex Power Pro is a cheap but older model, which will surely be enough for you. If you are a more seriousabout your workout, there are newer models, such as Bowflex Revolution series,which are very expensive but monthly financing is available.
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