What is there to know about the changes in the feces?
Checking the quality and the composition of the feces from time to time is very important, since its appearance is usually the reflection of the condition of the digestive system and the overall health, but, the changes in it as well can be the logical consequence of eating certain foods, such as, for example, the greenish color of the stool after eating spinach. Nevertheless, in many cases, the problems with feces are among the first direct pointers of some more severe underlying condition. So, the changes most commonly are of the blandness, color and of the possible discharge and blood which may follow the process of expelling the feces.

At this point, it is important to emphasize that certain amount of the transparent, whitely or yellowish mucus is present in the intestinal system and its purpose is to make easier the passage of the contents that should be pushed all the way through it and to protect the walls of the system. But, in the case of the noticeable increased amount of this mucus, the individual should contact the doctor, especially if the mucus is mixed with blood.
The treatment
In order to heal this problem successfully, it is essentially important to know the provoker of it and to attack its cause. So, among the most common triggers of the appearance of this kind of mucus in the feces is the syndrome of the irritable bowel, that is, of the increased contractions of the intestine. If this is the case, the following troubles are the bland stool and the painful belly which could be described as the involuntary spasmodic pain.
The increased secretion can also be the result of the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the intestines, and this condition could be recognized by the severe diarrhea and the logical consequences which are the poor nutrition and dehydration. Diarrhea can be as well the indicator of the infection triggered by the entrance of some bacteria (e.g. Salmonella and the similar), and this disease may be as well associated with the bloody discharge in the feces. However, in this case, the increased temperature of the body is the distinguishing symptom.
Of course, the most logical causes of the bleeding are different ruptures in the gastrointestinal system, so one of the most common such injuries is the rupture of the bowel, caused usually by some sharply edged swallowed object, by some tumor, by some anatomic abnormality, or it can happen as the result of some inflammatory process into the bowel. Very likely to cause the bleeding is the rupture of the anal tissue, usually due to constant blockage of the feces and, thus, the passage of the hardened stool.
This condition should be treated by the diet which will make the intestine content easier to be expelled, and that is why this diet should be based on the foods rich in fibers (the ones with the green edible leafs are the most beneficial) and the increased intake of the fluids.
The rupture in the digestive system can also occur because of the ulcer in the large intestines, but, this problem could be recognized by the occasional bleeding from the rectum.
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