Bird flu
Bird flu is another name for a subtype H5N1 of influenza A virus. Not only humans can succumb to this infections, but animals as well. This virus has killed millions of birds over the years. According to certain information, the pathogenicity of this virus is on the rise in endemic areas but the situation with farmed birds is far better. The reason for that is because of the vaccinations farmed birds receive. In the year 2008 there were eleven outbreaks reported in five countries. These countries were China, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan and Vietnam. This fact shows the improvement in comparison to the 65 outbreaks in the year 2006 and 55 outbreaks in 2007. All over the world the situation involving cases of HPAI are better than they were a few years ago or even half a year ago. However, these cases are not reported and are even underestimated in certain countries where there is no proper disease surveillance system. By the December 9th, 2010 510 human cases were reported and 303 people died because of the virus since 2003.
However, a vaccine for humans was discovered and if the Avian flu strikes the human race again, the people need not worry because deaths can be avoided with a simple injection of a filtered and purified Influenza A vaccine.
Bird flu prevention
Lots of people are not aware that they cannot be infected with bird flu from contact with another person. The flu is spread only through contact between the feces or respiratory secretions of infected birds.
However, the bad thing about this virus is that it mutates all the time. The results would be horrible if the virus mutated into an airborne human to human virus. If that happened there would be not vaccines because of the fast mutation strain of the bird flu. This is the reason why it is best that the people prevent it from happening. The good thing is that the best prevention is natural and healthy and very easy to accomplish.
Viruses like the bird flu hitchhike
Most people believe that they get infected with a virus or a simple cold through air and then through the nose or mouth it ends up in the body. However, the viruses do not fly, they hitchhike. When people sneeze, the droplets end up on various things like door knobs and clothes that people get in touch with a lot. A person who touches the infected object with his or her hands simply needs to rub the eyes or nose and the virus will enter the body. The best way to prevent this from happening is to wash hands regularly.
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